

If you have been considering 6 DASHER but don’t want to spend the time, effort, and money to develop and load for it, the TRACE-Reloaded program now makes adopting this cartridge for competition easy!

STEP 1 get a Pre-Fit barrel in 6 DASHER to fit your action. See links below for some good options and tell them that TRACE Ammunition sent you their way:

STEP 2 get on the TRACE-Reloaded program – See below

How it works:

  1. Purchase a minimum of 1000 rounds of TRACE-Comp or TRACE-Custom 6 DASHER. (you don't have to buy all 1000 at once).
  2. Send back your fired cases from the above in lots of 1000 minimum.
  3. We precision process your brass and reload to your choice of either the TRACE-Comp or TRACE-Custom specification.
  4. Your brass is processed and loaded as follows:
    • Wash
    • Anneal
    • Deprime & Full Length Resize with Shoulder Bump
    • Inside Chamfer of Neck
    • Prime, Charge, Seat Bullet
    • We do not mix your brass with other customers; you get your brass back each time we reload it for you.
    • We will reload your brass up to 5 times.
  5. Turn Time
    • Processing Runs - 1st Tuesday of each month.
    • Brass and Payment must be received on or before this date to make the respective run.
    • Processing Time - 4 Weeks - There can be delays Depending on Supply Chain Issues.
    • Reloaded brass ships out - 1st Tuesday of each month.
  6. Pricing: 1,000 rounds - $2,750
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